Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All my Blogs

 Here Is List of All my Other blogs  :- 1. Wordpress Blog 2. Tumblr Blog 3. Squarespace 4. Posterous 5. Penzu 6. Livejournal 7.weebly 8. Typepad 9. Onsugar 10. Myspace 11. Thoughts 12. Blog LINKS TO OTHER ARTICLE WRITING WEBSITES WHERE YOU CAN EARN MONEY:- 1. Squidoo 2. Hubpages 3. Associated Content 4. Ezine Articles     (Don't Work For Money) 5. eHow 6. Xomba 7. Triond 8. Review Party 9. Day Tipper 10. Review Stream 11. Bukisa 12. Redgage  13....
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Yourshowman Squidoo Lenses

Here is list of all the lenses(webpages) i have created on squidoo.If you want to join squidoo,then Join Here.The Current Lenses Are (Arranged according to publish dates) :- SEPTEMBER 2010 :- 1. Top 100 Best Indian Movies :- 9.09.10 2. Top 100 Best Movies With Twist Endings :- 14.9.10 3. Top 100 Greatest Songs :- 17.9.10 4. Top 100 Best Movie Characters:- 28.9.10 5. Lakshmi Rai 6. Amitabh Bachchan :- 30.11.10 7. Aamir Khan :- 30.11.10 8. Nostradamus :- 30.11.10 9. Eminem :- 1.12.10 10....
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Social Bookmarking - Promoting website

Social Bookmarking Is a way in which you can bookmark your favorite sites to check them out later.These Bookmarks can be shared with others as well. Thus you can share your website or blog with millions just by bookmarking them on the social bookmarking website.This Is another important element of web 2.0 sites. Just Make Account On these Social...
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Social Networking - Promoting Website

With the introduction of social networking the internet traffic has boosted up a lot. You can utilize this traffic for your website or blog. Social Networking Is one of the most important element of web 2.0 sites.Almost every other person is on social networking websites. Whether it is facebook or twitter or orkut everyone is using it. Traffic...
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Forum Marketing - Promoting Website

A forum is where people with interest in a specific topic post messages, to which other people who are member of that forum can reply to them. It is a great way to learn and share information about a topic of interest. Forum marketing is another popular way for promoting your website and getting deep backlinks. You just have to find forum of your...
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Article Marketing - Promoting Website

Article Marketing is perhaps one of the best method to promote your website or blog. From Big earners to newbies almost every internet user is somewhat involved in it.It is Most effective and successful concept. There are many Dofollow Article Directories for which you can submit articles and thus can get traffic in no-time. Almost all of these...
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Top 5 Step Not To Follow To Get website Traffic.

 Making money online from your blog and website can be real fun,if you are in Top search results of search engine, have high paying keywords in your meta tags and Most important getting High Traffic on your blog or website.Search Engine Optimisation Plays A Key role In This.To get traffic to their website many webmaster follow steps which should...
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