5 Steps For Powerful Article Writing:-
Article marketing is increasing day-by-day.whether you are writing article for a newspaper or magazine or for your website or blog,some certain rules are need to be followed.So, i am here up with this post about the steps to be followed while writing a powerful article.
Step 1. Topic Of Your Article :-
This Is just like summary of your article in few words,so you have to be choosy.What you want to tell to your audience?What is the subject of your article? Your subject may vary from use of toothbrush to NASA's invasion in space,but the main thing you have to keep in mind that you use words that describes best about your article.if you are writing articles for website,then,You can take help of GOOGLE KEYWORD TOOL.
Step 2. Research about Your Article :-
You Must Research about your article's subject.Google about your topic,Search on yahoo,Read about it in magazines,newspapers or even eBook. This will make sure that you have enough knowledge about the subject and you can write on it effectively plus you will be able to find ot many points on your article that you have otherwise missed.
Step 3. Structure of Your Article :-
Your article must be in proper structure. According to proper method of article writing, You first must Introduce your article (50-70 words),then write Body of your article (atleast 300 words),then Conclusion (50 -70 words). The structure may vary according to your topic and some extra things may also be added.But, on whole, this is the most basic structure of article writing.
Step 4. Proofread your article :-
This Is the most important step of your article.Proofread your article for spelling checks and other grammatical mistakes.Proofreading makes your article look more attractive,as it removes common errors from it.
Step 5. Revise Your article :-
If you are writing article for your website or blog ,then it is easy edit your article again and again even after submission.But, if you are writing article for newspapers or magazines, then before submitting your article you must revise it. Read it as if it is written by some-one else and you have to critique on it. This will help you to find out your mistakes.
Things To be Kept In Mind :-
- Use Font 12 point,bold for Title and 10 point font for BODY.
- DO NOT COPY. Your content must be original,may be inspired,but original.
- Search engines,newspapers,magazines all hates copied material.
- Use a standard editor(Like Tiny MCE) to make your article more attractive.
- Don't Hurry.Give Time to your article. Don't Just WRITE AND SUBMIT.
- Use Your Keywords as much as you can in your Intro,body and conclusion.
- Write Article For Users, Not For Search engines.
For More Info Log On :- Http://www.yourshowman.com

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Nice info. I sometime find difficulty to write an article. Thanks for sharing.
I agree whole heartedly that the writing comes quickly when the inspired ideas are there. I also have a full time job apart from my blog, and actually, I blog as a part of my paying gig that’s already writing-heavy, so it can be a challenge.
I think it’s important to interject cretivity into the process and also just be observant. Some of my best ideas are born out of metahpors within my own life or experiences. Mowing the lawn, watching a friend’s kid, things that don’t have anything to do with my topic, which is thrilling, really.
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